Here are a list of suggestions of what to bring. All in all it is ideal to bring what boosts and supports your particular immune system. We have a extensive itinerary and keeping our bodies well supported is of utmost importance.

  • Grapefruit seed extract (helpful for the stomach bug)

  • Topical antiseptic and salve

  • Charcoal tablets (dysentery)

  • Vitamin C (Alacer-Emergen-C for easy travel)

  • Trace Minerals, Chlorophyll, and or Shilajit

  • Eleotrolytes

  • Band-Aids, ace bandage, moleskin for blisters

  • Insect repellent

  • Aloe Vera gel or other skin cream

  • Sunscreen, Chapstick and hat for the sun and heat

  • Golden Seal powder

  • Echinacea

  • Enzymes

  • Lomatil, Pepto Bismal (some swear by this as a preventative) or other diarrhea medication of personal preference – local medications are available.

  • Remember to keep medications handy in carry-on, not packed away in luggage, if they meet TSA standards. Check online for current TSA restrictions.

  • We strongly stress the use of only bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth. This can be purchased readily along the way, and at hotels.