Here are a list of suggestions of what to bring. All in all it is ideal to bring what boosts and supports your particular immune system. We have a extensive itinerary and keeping our bodies well supported is of utmost importance.
Grapefruit seed extract (helpful for the stomach bug)
Topical antiseptic and salve
Charcoal tablets (dysentery)
Vitamin C (Alacer-Emergen-C for easy travel)
Trace Minerals, Chlorophyll, and or Shilajit
Band-Aids, ace bandage, moleskin for blisters
Insect repellent
Aloe Vera gel or other skin cream
Sunscreen, Chapstick and hat for the sun and heat
Golden Seal powder
Lomatil, Pepto Bismal (some swear by this as a preventative) or other diarrhea medication of personal preference – local medications are available.
Remember to keep medications handy in carry-on, not packed away in luggage, if they meet TSA standards. Check online for current TSA restrictions.
We strongly stress the use of only bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth. This can be purchased readily along the way, and at hotels.